December 14, 2010
The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor’s Office
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
RE: Request to Withdraw Draft Regulations for Green Chemistry by DTSC
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:
The undersigned are writing to urge you to withdraw the most recent proposed Green Chemistry Regulation for Safer Consumer Product Alternatives submitted by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). Over the last two years, we have supported the vision you initiated when you called for the formation of a Green Chemistry Initiative to help protect public health and the environment, while building a sustainable economy in California. Many of us participated actively in DTSC’s stakeholder process to develop the necessary regulations to implement the Initiative. While previous drafts of the proposed regulations had some significant limitations, a broad range of stakeholders ultimately supported them.
In contrast, the revised regulations released for a 15-day comment period on Nov. 16, 2010 bore little resemblance to anything DTSC has promulgated before and have drawn sharp criticism and opposition from, among others: the author of the enabling legislation (AB 1879); members of the Green Ribbon Science Panel; the authors of the 2008 University of California report to the Administration titled Green Chemistry: Cornerstone to a Sustainable California, signed by over 125 UC faculty from seven UC campuses.
We are aware that withdrawing the proposed regulations from OAL would result in the state missing the Jan. 1, 2011 deadline for completion. This would be unfortunate, as we are eager to have a working Green Chemistry program, but this program is too important to get wrong –especially since the rest of the country is looking to the State of California for leadership on this issue.
Many groups and individuals have written DTSC in the last two weeks pointing out that the revised regulations would not meet the intent of AB 1879 and would not result in Californians getting safer products on the shelves. In addition, many have pointed out that the DTSC’s process (only a 15-day comment period) in issuing these radically altered regulations does not appear to be legal.
The following are excerpts from a few of the numerous critical comment letters that have been submitted to DTSC about the current version of the regulations:
Author, California’s Green Chemistry Law AB 1879
(Letter dated 12/3/2010)
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
University of California, Berkeley
Members, Green Ribbon Science Panel
Authors of 2008 University of California report: Green Chemistry: Cornerstone to a Sustainable California
(letter dated 12/03/2010)
Roger Mc Fadden, Vice President, Senior Scientist, Staples, Inc.
Members, Green Ribbon Science Panel
(letter dated 12/03/2010)
Deputy Director, California Department of Public Health
(letter dated 11/29/2010)
(letter dated 12/03/2010)
(letter dated 12/03/2010)
For California’s Green Chemistry Initiative to be successful, it must have broad-based support from the scientific, environmental, and public health communities, as well as from the state’s own green chemistry champions in the legislative and academic arenas. Given the drastic and fundamental changes that were made to the proposed regulations at the eleventh hour, this is no longer the case. We therefore urge you to take immediate action to stop implementation of the draft regulations. Too much work has gone into the formulation of a strong program to have these weak regulations adopted.
The people of California deserve and need better.
Eveline Shen, Executive Director
Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
Amy Chastain, Executive Director
Bay Area Clean Water Agencies
Wafaa Aborashed, Executive Director
Bay Area Healthy 880 Communities-San Leandro
Sharon Newton
Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group
Jan Robinson-Flint, Executive Director
Black Women for Wellness
Kimberly Irish, Program Manager
Breast Cancer Action
Jeannie Rizzo, R.N., President and CEO
Breast Cancer Fund
Lisa Fu
California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative
Warner Chabot, CEO
California League of Conservation Voters
Heidi Sanborn, Executive Director
California Product Stewardship Council
Martha Guzman Aceves, Legislative Advocate
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Mark Murray, Executive Director
Californians Against Waste
Ansje Miller, Coordinator
Californians for a Healthy and Green Economy (CHANGE)
David Chatfield, Executive Director
Californians for Pesticide Reform
Michael Green, Executive Director
Center for Environmental Health
Andria Ventura, Program Manager
Clean Water Action
Luis Cabrales, Deputy Director of Campaigns
Coalition for Clean Air
Richard Holober, Executive Director
Consumer Federation of California
Pamela King Palitz, Environmental Health Advocate and Staff Attorney
Environment California
Renee Sharp, California Director
Environmental Working Group
Janelle Sorensen, Senior Editor and Outreach Director
Healthy Child Healthy World
Marlom Portillo, Project Manager
Instito de Educacion Popular del Sur De California
Janis R. Hirohama, President
League of Women Voters of California
Lisa Russ, Senior Fellow
Movement Strategy Center
Sarah Janssen, Senior Scientist
Natural Resources Defense Council
Paul Towers, State Director
Pesticide Watch
Martha Dina Arguello, Executive Director
Physicians for Social Responsibility- Los Angeles
Deb Self, Executive Director
San Francisco Baykeeper
Juliet Ellis, Assistant General Manager, External Affairs
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Ted Schettler MD, MPH, Science Director
Science and Environmental Health Network
Bill Magavern, Director
Sierra Club California
Sheila Davis, Executive Director
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
Gail Bateson, Executive Director
Attachments: copies of letters quoted
cc: Director Mazier Movassaghi
John Moffatt, Governor’s office