Catch up on the latest news and analysis from EWG’s team of experts.
Displaying 21 - 40 of 1135
What’s in your water bottle? Concerns about microplastics in caps
Pumpkin spice surprise – the toxic chemicals lurking in ‘fragrance’
New study finds possible link between ultra-processed foods and depression
Update: Federal facilities struggle to routinely offer plant-based or vegetarian options
Freezer finds: Toxic chemicals in frozen meals may cause health harms
What is titanium dioxide?
Titanium dioxide is a food additive that can be found in over 3,000 different products in EWG’s Food Scores database.
The New Lede
The nonprofit news outlet The New Lede, launched as an EWG project in May 2022, is a recognized and trusted source for in-depth reporting on important environment and human health stories across the U...
Funky fruit snack ingredients: School day treats may contain harmful chemicals
CDC: August is peak month for toxic algae illness
In the last few weeks of August, your dog may face a higher risk of algae poisoning than ever.
Beware of the chemical BVO in fruit-flavored drinks
Sticky situation: Harmful food chemicals in chewing gum
Study: Exposure to toxic ‘forever chemicals’ during pregnancy increases odds of health harms
Hard to swallow: Aspartame risk highlights FDA chemical review loopholes
Consumers digesting the news that aspartame may be linked to cancer will probably develop heartburn once they learn about loopholes in the Food and Drug Administration’s food chemical safety system.
The Conservation Reserve Program is failing. Congress should fix it.
Bad chemistry: FDA’s broken chemical review system
For decades, the Food and Drug Administration has allowed chemical companies to decide whether most food chemicals are safe. EWG recently found 99 percent of the food chemicals that have entered the...
California bill to ban food chemicals is a win for environmental justice
Brain-eating bacteria aren’t as threatening as toxic algae blooms
As summer heats up, news of fatalities from brain-eating amoeba seems to be everywhere – and people planning to spend time in and near local rivers and lakes might be concerned about contracting the...
This Memorial Day, fire up the grill to get a taste of summer, not toxic chemicals
The sizzle of the grill – that’s the sound of summer getting underway. This Memorial Day, plan a better barbecue to avoid a side of toxic chemicals.