Catch up on the latest news and analysis from EWG’s team of experts.
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The EPA hasn’t banned this brain-damaging pesticide, so states are stepping up
EWG: Schools near pesticide spray zones could lose health protections

Produce industry picks wrong side by fighting EPA ban of brain-damaging pesticide

Can plant-based foods end Big Meat’s monopoly and help the climate?
Meat prices are skyrocketing, in part because just four meat companies control 85 percent of U.S. beef supplies. In response, President Joe Biden this week introduced an action plan targeting...

Forever chemicals from military bases may be lurking in agricultural water supplies

Stay safe from toxic algae in water during Independence Day weekend

In Midwest farm states, nitrate pollution of tap water is more likely in lower-income communities

USDA Data: Nearly All Pandemic Bailout Funds Went to White Farmers
Nearly all of the billions of dollars in federal farm bailouts to offset the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic went to white farmers, newly revealed Department of Agriculture data show.

What the Biden Administration Should Do To Protect Children From Toxic Pesticides

6 Ways the Biden Administration Should Protect Food and Farm Workers From Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic – worsened by the Trump administration's woefully anemic response – has taken the lives of more than 300 food and farm workers and sickened tens of thousands more, turning the...

How Can the Biden Administration Fix America’s Broken Food System?
The staggering number of food and farm workers who have died from Covid-19 has laid bare the Trump administration's disastrous policies on food and farm issues.

Seven Months Into Pandemic, Most States Still Don’t Require Farmworker Protections

Study: More Than 125,000 Farmworkers Have Contracted Covid-19
The Covid-19 virus has infected more than 125,000 U.S. farmworkers, according to the latest estimates in an ongoing study by Purdue University.

Time Is Running Out to Help Hungry Families and Food and Farm Workers
The devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic has never been clearer. One in five American children are struggling with hunger. Thousands of food and farm workers have contracted COVID-19 and hundreds have...

Smaller Farms Hit Hard by COVID-19 but Get Little Help From USDA

Senate GOP’s COVID Relief Package: $20 Billion for Big Farmers, Zero for Farmworkers and Hungry Families
There's only one word to describe Senate Republicans' proposal to shower even more COVID-19 relief funding on the nation's largest farmers while providing none to protect farm workers or help hungry...

EWG Analysis: Few States Have Job Safety Rules To Protect Farmworkers From COVID-19

COVID-19 Spreading to Food Processing Facilities Across the U.S.

Investigation: Counties With Meatpacking Plants Report Twice the National Average Rate of COVID-19 Infections

Work Conditions Make Farmworkers Uniquely Vulnerable to COVID-19