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Displaying 121 - 140 of 186

It’s Time To Regulate Industrial Discharges of PFAS

Fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS have been linked to serious health problems, including cancer, harm to the reproductive system, and harm to the immune system.

We Want You To Protect Your Kids From Nonstick Chemicals: Here’s How

Every day more toxic nonstick chemicals are being discovered in our water, food and homes.

It’s Time To Designate PFAS a “Hazardous Substance”

Per-and polyfluorinated substances, known as PFAS, are often characterized as “emerging contaminants.” However, ask the residents living in the communities polluted by decades of unregulated...

PFAS Chemicals Harm the Immune System, Decrease Response to Vaccines, New EWG Review Finds

Toxic PFAS chemicals, notorious for contaminating drinking water supplies across the U.S., are harmful to nearly every human organ, and the immune system is particularly vulnerable. PFAS mixtures...

PFAS Nation: Toxic Discharges Suspected From Almost 500 Industrial Facilities Across U.S.

At least 475 industrial facilities across the nation could be discharging the toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS into the air and water, according to an EWG analysis of government data.

FDA Tests Confirm Suspicions about PFAS Chemicals in Food

A recent investigation by the Food and Drug Administration found per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in food, including meat, seafood and dairy products; sweet potatoes; pineapples; leafy...

Mapping the PFAS Contamination Crisis: New Data Show 610 Sites in 43 States

The known extent of contamination of American communities with the highly toxic fluorinated compounds known as PFAS continues to grow at an alarming rate, with no end in sight. A total of 610...

PFAS in Drinking Water: Hazardous at Ever-Lower Levels

Last week, as he unveiled the Environmental Protection Agency's toothless “action plan” on fluorinated chemicals, acting EPA chief Andrew Wheeler maintained that the current guideline of 70 parts per...

Will Trump’s EPA Protect Americans from Toxic PFAS Chemicals?

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding action.

How the EPA Should Act To Protect Americans From Toxic PFAS Chemicals

The toxic chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a national crisis demanding national action.

Children’s Exposure to PFAS Chemicals Begins in the Womb

The Environmental Protection Agency reportedly has decided not to set legal limits for the toxic fluorinated chemicals PFOA and PFOS in drinking water. The news is deeply disturbing, because an...

Removing Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals From Your Home’s Tap Water

The family of fluorinated compounds known as PFAS chemicals includes more than 4,700 chemicals – some linked to cancer, thyroid disease, weakened immunity and developmental defects, and others whose...

Update: The PFAS Contamination Crisis is Still Spreading

The known extent of contamination of American communities with toxic fluorinated compounds, known as PFAS chemicals, continues to grow at an alarming rate.

Study: Consumer Product Safety Testing Misses Cancer Risks From Chemical Mixtures

Mixtures of chemicals commonly found in consumer products are more likely to increase breast cancer risk than the same chemicals individually, according to a new analysis. But safety tests by...

Pentagon: Fluorinated Chemicals Taint Water at Scores of Bases, Neighboring Communities

The Defense Department has for the first time disclosed the locations of military installations where tap water or groundwater on or off base is contaminated with highly toxic fluorinated chemicals.

Toxic Chemicals May Increase Chances of Regaining Weight After Dieting

Exposure to fluorinated industrial chemicals, known as PFAS or PFC chemicals, may increase the amount of weight that people, especially women, regain after dieting, according to a new study by Harvard...

Washington Is First State to Ban Fluorinated Chemicals in Food Packaging

On Wednesday, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed the first state law to ban toxic fluorinated chemicals in food packaging, such as microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and fast-food wrappers.

In a First, California Moves to Protect People from Toxic PFAS Chemicals in Carpets

In a groundbreaking move, California has proposed that carpets and rugs containing the stain-resistant fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS should be considered a priority product under the state's...

Researchers Link Kids’ Weight Gain to Chemical Exposures

It's not just a poor diet and lack of exercise that can make kids overweight.

Study: Phaseout of Teflon Chemical Has Likely Averted Thousands of Low-Weight Births and Saved Billions in Health Care Costs

The phaseout of a hazardous chemical formerly used to make Teflon has likely prevented thousands of low-weight births in the U.S. each year, saving billions of dollars in health care costs, says a new...

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