Catch up on the latest news and analysis from EWG’s team of experts.
Displaying 3901 - 3920 of 3985
Arkansas Activist Fights Fluoridation
The Lovely County Citizen reports on one woman's winning effort to prevent the state of Arkansas from mandating fluoride in drinking water statewide, and on how one state official publicly mocked her...
Activists Turn up the Heat on DuPont's Teflon Chemical
In the past week, activists have pressed Teflon maker DuPont to clean up its act on two fronts. Environmental groups demanded that the company monitor groundwater around its local plant, the only one...
Farm Subsidies v. Food Stamps
Uruguay is following in Brazil's footsteps, announcing July 26 that it will file a WTO complaint against the U.S. over rice subsidies. Increasing international pressure has finally forced Congress to...
Farmers Support Subsidy Caps
According to Agriculture Online, a poll released on August 2 finds that 67 per cent of voters surveyed in Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota support limiting farm subsidy payments to $250,000 per farm...
Double Dippers
Some of America's richest agribusinesses are double dipping from U.S. taxpayers' pockets at a rate of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, according to an EWG investigation of federal crop and...
Nature Is Becoming A Thing Of The Past
The New York Times maps out that tiny fraction of U.S. lands still unscathed by mining, farming, logging and other human endeavors. We better enjoy it while we can -- trends suggest these pristine...
Babies at risk from pollution
According to a story in the Sydney Morning Herald, a newly-published study found that the more air pollution women were exposed to, the lower their babies' birth weights were. Low birth weight is a...
MTBE: A Win for Clean Water As Backlash Hits Big Oil's Political Allies
Congress shot down a scheme to shield oil companies from lawsuits over MTBE water contamination after EWG published documents proving it was the industry's idea to add the suspected carcinogen to...
CA Cosmetics Bill Passes Cmte
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that California Assembly's Health Committee advanced a bill that would require manufacturers of personal care products to inform the state's Department of Health...
Louisville Becomes Trendsetter on Air Quality
Supported by local health and environmental activists, the Air Pollution Control Board in Louisville, Ky., made admirable history last week with the Strategic Toxic Air Reduction (STAR) program. Three...
Energy Bill Ensures Dependence on Foreign Oil and Gas
As the Senate considers the energy bill, the major issue is energy independence. Industry and administration sources have long argued that the key to breaking our addiction to foreign oil and gas is...
EWG Analysis of Step2 Data for 2004
U.S. taxpayers provided $264 million in 2004 to a handful of agribusiness firms through an obscure but controversial cotton subsidy program at the center of a fierce global debate over agricultural...
Cotton and Accountability
What if the United States does not comply with the WTO's broad rulings and fails to reform its multi-billion dollar cotton subsidy programs to Brazil's satisfaction? What retaliatory trade measures...
Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects
A major investigation by The Riverside Press-Enterprise finds that an industry-funded study, relied on by federal scientists to recommend drinking water standards for a toxic rocket fuel chemical...
Wearing Your Politics on Your Plate
Scott Canon's front-page Kansas City Star story shows many ways our food choices make political, health and environmental statements. EWG's food research has contributed to the debate.
The Water's Not Fine: Plant Refuses to Locate in Teflon-Tainted Town
Businesses that object to tough pollution standards often hold communities or states hostage by threatening to take their jobs and move. Now the shoe is on the other foot in West Virginia, where a...
Toxic Chemicals Found in British Celebrities' Bodies
In the latest study of toxic chemicals in people, the BBC reports that seven British TV personalities were tested for 104 industrial compounds in their blood. All were contaminated with toxins, and...
Enviro Programs Get the Budget Ax - Again
A recent news item tells the story of where the environment and public health rank in Washington's priorities -- just about dead last. The Washington Post delivers the bad news in a grim headline...
EPA Drags Feet on New Lead Rules
An EPA whistle-blower has exposed the agency for secretly delaying completion of required rules to protect children and construction workers from lead poisoning from paint and dust in favor of...
Federal Court Holds MTBE Polluters Responsible
Despite Tom Delay and his lapdogs recent efforts to protect MTBE polluters, a federal court ruled MTBE producers and manufacturers must pay to clean up their mess.