Catch up on the latest news and analysis from EWG’s team of experts.
Displaying 61 - 74 of 74
EWG's 10 tips for a less toxic pregnancy
Last week we told you about the 232 toxic chemicals we found in umbilical cord blood. This week we tell you how to reduce your exposures to toxic chemicals to keep them out of your womb.
School cleaning supplies: Plenty toxic but very fixable
Baking soda, vinegar and plain soap are my cleaning supplies at home - plus a little elbow grease. I don't use conventional cleaners for a reason: I don't know what's in them (very weak labeling laws)...
Toxic parties? You bet.
I'm a veteran of many a house party for change - and a big fan of the concept. In fact, I got started in online activism at a friend's Moms Rising house party, where we watched a short film and...
EWG's Healthy Home Tip 1: Choose better body care products
Most people use around 10 personal care products every day with an average of 126 unique ingredients. The government's NOT protecting us. We'd like to believe that the government is policing the...
When breast cancer has 'No Family History'
A while back, EWG staff scientist Olga Naidenko wrote here about the need to focus breast cancer research on prevention - with an emphasis on the role of carcinogens.
EWG's Tips for Parents: The Series
We're excited to tell you about our new Healthy Home Tips for Parents email series! EWG's scientists and public health researchers created a list of the most important steps you can take at home to...
Pollution in people: It's an inside job
Beverly Wright has done battle with oil refineries and landfills. She has dug her New Orleans East neighborhood out from under tons of contaminated sludge smeared across the landscape by Hurricane...
Warning: this pesticide may be toxic to children and fish
This fall, EPA approved re-registration of antibacterial soap ingredient triclosan for yet another five years of use in consumer products, potentially leaving human and environmental health at great...
Cheatsheet: Triclosan
Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical found in many products. Use EWG's Triclosan to identify and avoid this toxic chemical in dish soap, personal care and other antibacterial products.
Antibacterial: Not just for soap anymore
Although most shoppers probably don't know it, "antibacterial" isn't just for soap anymore. From sports clothing to cutting boards, deodorants, and children's toys, a wide range of consumer products...
Down and dirty: WVE on household hazards
You mop your floors, clean the tub, and scrub your toilet until it shines. Or, if you're like me, you make your significant other do it for you. But have you ever stopped to think about why we spend...
Al Gore live webcast today
Have you been counting down the days to the Live Earth concerts? We've been pretty quiet on the subject here at Enviroblog, but not because we don't care -- we've just been too busy keeping you in the...
In the news: September 5, 2006
A new report suggests that childhood PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) exposure can make children's diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations less effective.
Vinegar for Whiter Whites?
Who'da thunk. Tossing some vinegar into your washer's rinse cycle whiten your whites without making your clothes smell like a salad. Throwing in some baking soda can strengthen your laundry detergent...
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