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EWG statement on California appeals court hearing over CPUC's rooftop solar decision

A panel of California appeals court judges heard oral arguments on Wednesday as part of a lawsuit brought by the Center for Biological Diversity, the Protect Our Communities Foundation and...

Ignoring NuScale blunder, Duke Energy set to squander hundreds of millions on non-existent small nuclear technology

Unfazed by the termination of NuScale Power’s multimillion-dollar wasteful Utah small nuclear reactor, or SMR, project in early November, Duke Energy is pushing ahead with a plan to waste potentially...

Latest nuclear power boondoggle barrels toward North Carolina

Lawmakers in North Carolina may soon make the misguided step of designating nuclear power “clean energy,” a change that would encourage Duke Energy’s foolhardy plan to throw away millions or even...

For Californians looking to install solar, time is running out to take advantage of state’s financial incentives

The financial incentives California offers residents and small business owners seeking to install solar panels and batteries will be slashed when new rules take effect in April.

John Oliver skewers utility monopolies like PG&E and Duke for ratepayer hikes, crushing solar

John Oliver, host of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight,” skewered corrupt monopoly utilities like Pacific Gas & Electric and Duke Energy in Sunday’s episode, showing how they use raw power, weak regulations...

Stifling solar: Duke Energy’s long war against North Carolina clean energy

Duke Energy is asking North Carolina utility regulators to approve a plan that could stifle the growth of renewable solar power in the state while hiking ratepayers’ bills – the latest in the monopoly...

Using virtual power plants to spur energy equity, grid stability and fight the climate crisis

When a heatwave struck California last August, a private energy service company coordinated the solar arrays, battery storage, and smart appliances and thermostats of 150,000 homes – and helped...

Utilities fighting to stymie growth of California rooftop solar power

Major utilities are waging war against ratepayers in California, urging the state’s power regulator to stunt the growth of customer-owner rooftop solar energy, even though equitable solutions to the...

Why America can’t afford an ‘all of the above’ energy policy

It’s a reliable tell: Politicians and pundits who want to sound like boosters of clean, safe, renewable energy, while clinging to dirty, dangerous energy sources like fossil fuels and nuclear power...

Confronting the myth of carbon-free fossil fuels: Why carbon capture is not a climate solution

The world is confronting a climate emergency. Avoiding climate catastrophe requires immediate and dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that are possible only with a significant investment...

Nuclear Industry Politics: Bribes, Corruption and Lies

The U.S. nuclear industry knows it can't compete fairly on the open market with safe, clean, cost-effective renewable energy sources like solar, wind and storage batteries, so it's turning to illegal...

In Pandemic-Triggered Economic Crisis, Millions of Americans Struggle To Pay Utility Bills

The economic meltdown triggered by the coronavirus pandemic means that legions of Americans are struggling to pay their utility bills. As with other impacts of the pandemic, the federal government has...

Deep in the Heart of Texas, the Pandemic Threatens Renewable Energy

When you think of energy and Texas, you think of oil. But besides being the leading oil and natural gas production and refining state, Texas is also a national leader in renewable energy.

There They Go Again: Energy Department Disses the Future of Renewables

Each year, the federal Energy Information Administration projects the nation's electric power mix out to 2050. And every year, the agency gives short shrift to wind and solar power while forecasting...

In the Southeast, ‘Public Energy Enemy No.1’ Has Lots of Company

EWG and our allies have branded Duke Energy as Public Energy Enemy No. 1 for its short-sighted strategy of continuing to build expensive, polluting coal and natural gas plants instead of fully...

Feds Seek to Gut Law Boosting Small-Scale Renewables

Since 1978, the federal Public Utilities Regulatory Act has boosted renewable energy by requiring big utilities to buy some power from small solar and wind companies. PURPA reduces the nation's...

Natural Gas: A 'Bridge' to a Hotter Climate, Bigger Utility Bills and More Threats to Public Health

For decades, big utilities and the fossil fuel industry have touted natural gas as a cheap, lower-pollution fuel that provides a “bridge” from coal and oil to clean renewable energy. That notion has...

Federal Energy Subsidies: What Are We Getting for Our Money?

Through tax breaks, funding for research and development, and other federal government programs and policies, American taxpayers subsidize the spectrum of energy sources: oil, natural gas, coal...

As the Climate Crisis Accelerates, Big Utilities Go Slower on Cutting Carbon Emissions

Just when carbon emissions must be rapidly slashed to combat the climate crisis, in coming years some of the biggest U.S electric utilities will move more slowly to cut carbon pollution, according to...

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