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Advocates urge House Farm Bill leaders to protect and strengthen anti-hunger and climate spending programs, include worker protections
EWG applauds Carper-Braun bill to prioritize climate-smart farming
The following is a statement from Scott Faber, Environmental Working Group senior vice president for government affairs, on the CROP for Farming Act introduced today by Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and...

EWG: USDA should prohibit ‘climate-friendly’ claims on beef products

EWG analysis: As the climate emergency heats up the Southwest, crop insurance payouts for heat surge

Farm subsidies, not anti-hunger programs, should be focus of budget cuts

EWG report: As climate crisis worsens, a wetter Midwest is linked to climbing crop insurance costs

EWG investigation: Of $7.4B spent on two major USDA conservation programs, very little has flowed to ‘climate-smart’ farming

For farmers, historic $20 billion climate spending could save more than the planet
Historic $20 billion spending, in the Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA, to reduce greenhouse gases from agriculture could not only save the planet, it might also help preserve the good will most...

Senate bill to make historic climate-focused conservation investments

EWG speech at AEI on climate and agriculture
EWG Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Scott Faber delivered the following remarks before the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

EWG analysis: As climate crisis accelerated, 10 Mississippi River basin counties raked in $3 billion in crop insurance payouts

EWG applauds USDA climate pilot projects, calls for Senate to pass Build Back Better Act

EWG analysis: Climate crisis has already cost taxpayers billions in crop insurance payouts to farmers

Build Back Better bill includes $27 billion for historic climate-focused conservation efforts

Cover crops, touted as a climate crisis solution, planted on only 1 in 20 acres of Corn Belt cropland

Fields of Filth: First Inventory of Hurricane’s Impact on N.C. Factory Farms
Hurricane Matthew's rampage through North Carolina's coastal plain flooded more than 140 feces-strewn swine and poultry barns, more than a dozen open pits brimming with hog waste and thousands of...

Fields of Filth: Landmark Report Maps Feces-Laden Hog and Chicken Operations in North Carolina
A first-of-its-kind interactive map revealing the locations of more than 6,500 concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, across the state of North Carolina was released today by Waterkeeper...