Clear evidence of endocrine disruption in at least one animal study
May damage fertility.
May damage the unborn child.
NTP Toxcast scored 1.5-2.5
Unacceptable: EWG VERIFIED products cannot contain this ingredient.
This substance ranges from C to F depending on concentration/usage.
Meets EWG's strictest standards for health and transparency.
Few/no known or suspected hazards to health or the environment
Limited potential for hazards to health or the environment
Some potential for hazards to health or the environment
Likely hazards to health or the environment
Potentially significant hazards to health or the environment
Meets EWG's strictest standards for health and transparency.
Few/no known or suspected hazards to health or the environment. Good ingredient disclosure.
Limited potential for hazards to health or the environment. At least some ingredient disclosure.
Some potential for hazards to health or the environment. At least some ingredient disclosure.
Likely hazards to health or the environment. May also have poor ingredient disclosure.
Potentially significant hazards to health or the environment or poor ingredient disclosure.