FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 8, 2007 CONTACT: Jovana Ruzicic, EWG Public Affairs (202) 939-9144 WASHINGTON - Environmental Working Group (EWG) Senior Scientist, Anila Jacob, M.D., M.P.H., praised the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee's vote adopting The Safe Drinking Water for Healthy Communities Act that would require EPA to set a federal health-protective drinking water standard for the toxic rocket fuel ingredient, perchlorate. This vote today is the first time Congress has taken action to prevent the public's exposure to this harmful rocket fuel ingredient. “This legislation is a significant step towards a much needed and long overdue standard that would protect the health of people nationwide. Representatives Solis and Wynn deserve great credit for championing this important issue.” Tests by the CDC and independent researchers have confirmed that many Americans are carrying the toxic rocket fuel ingredient, perchlorate, in their bodies in amounts that lower thyroid hormone levels, in some cases substantially. This toxic rocket fuel ingredient has been found as a contaminant in drinking water supplies nationwide. Even more troubling, recent studies have shown that infants and children, who are more vulnerable to changes in thyroid hormone levels, are exposed to significantly more perchlorate than are adults. Because normal thyroid hormone levels are essential for healthy metabolism and development, it is imperative that the federal government set a health-protective drinking water standard for rocket fuel. This legislation would mandate EPA to finally enact this important public health measure.
EWG is a not-for-profit research organization that uses the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG's work on rocket fuel can be viewed at